8 Tips To Mastering Your Mental Focus Like a Monk

The key to living a productive life style lies within building a focus. Coming to master your mental focus is a bit of a trick; however, in the long run, it will create a more disciplined and accomplished journey. The majority of us tend to become victim to the cognitive switching penalty, which is the […]

How Can You Become an Alpha Male in 10 Steps?

So you want to be an alpha male? Imagine being successful at work. You’re your own boss. You’re respected by your peers. And you never worry about money anymore. What’s more, imagine feeling great every single day. You’re muscular, energetic, and filled with youthful drive. How This Guide to Alpha Male Will Help You Here’s […]

5 Ways To Lift Your Mood When you’re Feeling down

Each one of us experiences a low-phase at some point of time. We place the blame on our circumstances, health or emotional proclivities. The truth is that there is only one person accountable for such bouts of grief, boredom, or depression: YOU! Whenever I ask depressed acquaintances about their low-phase, I receive mixed responses such […]

19 Thought-Provoking Ways To Turn a Bad Day Around

“Simplicity, clarity, singleness: These are the attributes that give our lives power and vividness and joy as they are also the marks of great art. They seem to be the purpose of God for his whole creation.” Richard Holloway If you have errors, then you don’t need to change anything, you need to change is […]