My 25th Birthday WishList

Last year, when I was celebrating my birthday (22nd June), I had couple of Birthday wishlist that includes my car, LCD TV, macbook and a PS3. Though later on I dropped the plan for PS3 and iPad but I have completed my first two wishlist. In a month I’m turning into 25 and that means […]

What’s Next?

In last 9 years I had one of the most thrilling life. In 2002, I moved away from my family and started staying in the hostel. That was my first official stay in hosted and first time I lived away from home. Probably the best decision I have ever taken. Living alone (Away from family), […]

Meeting With John Abraham and After Party

Couple of days back I went to attend opening ceremony of Timberland at Ambience mall, New Delhi. I got to meet John Abraham and couple of old friends including Honey Singh. I regret not carrying my DSLR camera, here are few shots which I have taken from my mobile phone.