SML#22 – Financial freedom for beginners With Abhishek Mohta of Trusted Arms

Harsh Agrawal
Harsh Agrawal
SML#22 - Financial freedom for beginners With Abhishek Mohta of Trusted Arms

Hey Shouter

Welcome to episode #22 of ShoutMeLoud podcast with Harsh Agrawal.

In this episode, I have a guest “Abhishek Mohta” of “TrustedArms” who is bringing his decade of experience, and will help you learn concepts such as:


What is financial freedom

Can a middle class person become financial independent?

What is the right age of investing?

His investing principles

How much percentage of your income should be invested?

How to invest while you pay EMI for your house loan?

The concept of reverse mortgage 

And a lot of other interesting concepts that you will not hear elsewhere.


Books recommended by Abhishek:

Rich dad poor dad:

Simple Wealth, Inevitable Wealth by Nick Murray:


Task for you:

Learn about time concept of money:

If you have a question, feel free to send me your questions on Instagram @denharsh or email me at hello[at]shoutmeloud.comDo like and share this episode with others.

See ya in the next podcast!

Ta Da!

Harsh Agrawal